The European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR) is a non-profit organisation based in Brussels (BE) and registered in Dublin (IR). It was created in January 2015.

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Latest Statements

On 12th September 2024, ECDHR and other NGOs delivered an intervention at the United Nation [...]

Gender-Based Violence in Yemen: A War Weapon Ignored

The conflict in Yemen has seen a horrifying increase in gender-based violence (GBV). This troubling [...]

Saudi Arabia’s digital rights hypocrisy

The intersection of human rights and digital rights has become increasingly critical as digital technologies [...]

Gulf Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment in Western Sports Teams

Introduction The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have notoriously been accused of sportswashing, a tactic [...]

Gender discrimination in the GCC country’s citizenship nationality laws

Summary How is citizenship passed to children in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries? Do [...]

Behind the Curtain: Saudi Arabia’s Strategic Image Makeover

Introduction Whitewashing is a practice employed by organizations, governments, and individuals to gloss over or [...]

The Hidden Cost of Progress: Human Rights Violations of Migrant Workers in the UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become synonymous with rapid development and modern luxury, showcasing [...]

Migrant workers’ Access and Right to Work in Oman

The Royal Oman Police’s directive, reinforced by Omani Labour Law No. 53/2023, mandates that companies [...]

Reintegrating the Forgotten: The Fate of Former Guantanamo Detainees in Oman

The United States has undertaken covert operations to transfer Guantanamo detainees to the Middle East, [...]

Gender-Based Violence Against Migrant Women in Qatar

Qatar’s rapid economic development, driven by its oil and gas industry, has attracted a large [...]

Domestic workers’ rights in Qatar: reforms and persisting deficiencies

Cleaners, cooks, childminders and drivers are the main roles of domestic workers in Qatar, a [...]

Condemnation of Racism and Discrimination in Qatar

Qatar, a rapidly developing nation in the Middle East, has made significant strides in addressing [...]

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